In order to have a rewarding business, you need to take a timeout and consider:


  • who your most valuable customers are,
  • how to effectively reach them, and
  • how you can leverage your resources to make your business more profitable.


Utilizing the Business Model Canvas, along with an interactive online prep-course, this powerful Business Strategy Mapping program is designed to plot out a precise roadmap for you to follow to make your business more successful.

Do you know who your most valuable customers are and how to reach them?

Your customers are the heart of your business, they also drive your profitability. This program will help you uncover who your most important customers are, and how to target them effectively.

Are your marketing efforts working?

If you are not making an impact on your prospective customers, making your business the most attractive option, then they will not choose you. Business Strategy Mapping will help you set clear marketing messages that communicate why you are the best choice, and determine how to get the attention of your target audience.

Are you spending your time and energy in the right places?

Sometimes we need to take a step back and determine if our business activities are really serving our market, providing the right customer service, and creating the revenue stream that we believe they are. Don’t waste any more time – this program will help you analyze if your efforts are working and where you need to adjust.

What resources are available to you to make your job easier?

Every business has key assets that make serving the customer and building your profitability more efficient. When we get stuck in the daily grind, we forget to consider how to do things better. Take the time out your business needs during this program to utilize all the help that is at your fingertips.


This is your opportunity to do a DEEP DIVE into your business strategy, and come out with a M.A.P. (Motivational Action Plan) that gives you direction, focus, and maximizes your businesses earning potential.

This program includes:

  • ONLINE PREP-COURSE - A "Business Model Canvas Walkthrough" to prepare you for your strategy session, get your creative thoughts flowing, and help you get the most of our time together.
  • TWO-HOUR VIP INTENSIVE – Together, we will create your ONE PAGE business plan utilizing the Business Model Canvas.  
  • PERSONALIZED ACTION PLAN – Have a plan in hand that you can implement right away to get you the clients you want, deliver the value you promise, and get the referrals you need to help you Grow, Profit and Succeed in your business!

During the two-hour VIP INTENSIVE you will:

  • identify your ideal target market - as well as methods to attract new business,
  • isolate the core problem your clients are facing,
  • identify the solution your services offer,
  • develop enticing value proposition statements that are attractive to your clients and key partners,
  • gain a deeper understanding of WHO you serve, WHY you are valuable and HOW to be in the right place, at the right time, in front of the right people!


Without a good M.A.P. (Motivational Action Plan), you can waste a lot of time walking around in circles!! This Program will get you going in the right direction, right away!



I've met many of business coaches in my time, and have met very few that would be the fit for me. Someone challenging, savvy, smart, and above all someone I can trust to hold me accountable. After one business mapping strategy session with Priscilla Hansen Mahoney I realized that this was that person who new her stuff and I could both do business with and refer to my colleagues. Priscilla tells it like it is, and truly partners in the success of her clients future!

We attended a Business Mapping Strategy Session with Priscilla. As a fairly new Accounting Consulting practice we had a vague idea of where we were headed but after Priscilla's session we had laser focus on exactly who our market was going to be and what we needed to do to go after it. The session flew by, and before we knew it we were done and wanting more. I would highly recommend Priscilla to any new business that needs help focusing on core markets, coming up with a business strategy, and an execution plan.

Priscilla is a brilliant coach. She pulls things out of me that I had no idea where inside of me. I started with her Business Mapping session, where she helped me map out every aspect of my business. I have been in business for 11 years and wish I had met her back then! Although, I did meet her at a great time as I am restructuring. She set me on a clear path and definitely held me accountable!

My next step with her was the Customer Mapping Journey. What an incredible exercise! She helped me to not only identify my ideal client but also understand what they are feeling and doing all while giving me strategies on how to reach and serve them.

Priscilla is a great listener and very patient. There were times when I just didn't have answers and instead of telling me what she thought she would ask careful questions that prompted many an AHA moment for me. If you are looking for a business coach to bring your business to the next level I highly recommend Priscilla.