Attracting and keeping ideal clients can feel impossible, until you take the reins and steer them in your direction, solve their problems with your service and products, and then give them the right customer service to keep them committed to you and your business.  Your clients are on a journey – and that journey starts long before they know that you or your business exist.   Learn how to intercept your clients at the right time, and give them what they are looking for, with your customized Customer Journey MAP.

Together, we will map out your customer journey for more effective marketing, customer retention, and creation of a high-level customer experience that will create raving fans and abundant referrals. 

A Customer Journey Map can help you:

    • Understand the buying habits of your current customers.
    • Identify internal operational inefficiencies and shortfalls.
    • Anticipate and forecast your sales cycle for better budgeting.
    • Create a customer experience that separates you from your competition.
    • Identify where you should be spending your time, money and energy on social media and marketing.
    • Target your ideal customers with a plan on how to serve them best.


This program provides you the opportunity to really thing about who your customers are, who you really want to be working with in your client base, and how to target new clients with effective marketing. 


This program includes:


CUSTOMER JOURNEY MAPPING SESSION ONLINE PREP-COURSE - work at your own pace, on your own time through the online preparation materials.  Prepare for your Strategy Session by thinking through your customer's experience with your business, get your creative thoughts flowing, and get the most of our time together utilizing the easy to follow, online materials. 

2-HOUR STRATEGY SESSION - During this one-on-one session, we will do a deep-dive into the unique customer experience of your business and create a comprehensive customer journey map you can use to start gaining, maintaining and retaining your ideal customers.

PERSONALIZED ACTION PLAN - Leave with something you can implement right away that will include ideas for marketing content, touch points, and marketing outlets and channels you can use to reach your ideal clients.


During your two-hour VIP INTENSIVE you will:


    • Identify your ideal client - create a "buyer persona" that describes who your ideal clients are, and what their buying habits may be, and how they can relate to your products and services.
    • Create your Customer Journey Map - learn the key elements of an effective Customer Journey Map and go through the steps for developing your own Customer Journey Map with the guided exercises during this session.
    • Use Customer Journey Maps - develop a plan for getting immediate and long-term value from your Customer Journey Map.
    • Start taking ACTIONS with your Customer Journey Map - we'll begin to explore ways to improve the customer experience within your business so you can leave with specific actions you can take right away.




What People Are Saying About Customer Journey Mapping Session

Priscilla is a brilliant coach. She pulls things out of me that I had no idea where inside of me. I started with her Business Mapping session, where she helped me map out every aspect of my business. I have been in business for 11 years and wish I had met her back then! Although, I did meet her at a great time as I am restructuring. She set me on a clear path and definitely held me accountable!

My next step with her was the Customer Mapping Journey. What an incredible exercise! She helped me to not only identify my ideal client but also understand what they are feeling and doing all while giving me strategies on how to reach and serve them.

Priscilla is a great listener and very patient. There were times when I just didn't have answers and instead of telling me what she thought she would ask careful questions that prompted many an AHA moment for me. If you are looking for a business coach to bring your business to the next level I highly recommend Priscilla.